Little One Series
The Little One series by Heidi Fagerberg uses an engaging rhyming style that will develop your “Little One’s” appreciation for the beauty of various aspects of our Caribbean islands.
Sweet Victory
Sweet Victory, the sixth title from author Heidi Fagerberg, follows a young boy and his mother as they search their garden for the perfect afternoon treat. The book showcases the beautiful artwork of Ann-Cathrine Loo and uses an engaging and fun rhyming style to teach little ones about the fruits found in the Caribbean islands.
Also available in Spanish. |
Dulce Victoria
¿Pequeños, pequeños, qué ven aquí?
Dulce Victoria cuenta la historia de un niño y su madre en busca de una fruta dulce y perfecta para la merienda de la tarde.
Recorren a través de su jardín lleno de frutas caribeñas de todas las formas y tamaños mientras buscan una que sea madura y dulce para comer.
Con un juego similar al Eye Spy, Dulce Victoria exhibe bellas obras de arte y utiliza un estilo de rimas cautivadoras y divertidas para enseñarle a tu “Pequeño” acerca de las ricas y abundantes frutas que se encuentran en las islas del Caribe.
Belly Full Soup
Belly Full Soup follows a young boy and his father as they search for provisions to add to their soup. Journey with them through their garden full of provisions of all colors and sizes. These root vegetables and starchy fruits are sure to make their soup ‘Belly Full’ good.